
EpiMaps: Data Visualization for Healthcare

Data That Is Scalable, Flexible, and Customizable

EpiMaps provides two ways to gain insights from big data:

  • Access the 有料盒子APP data lake鈥Visualize data from 32 public data sets, including from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Census Bureau, all curated and cleaned by our analysts. The data lake includes more than 125,000 unique public health and socioeconomic data points.

  • Add your own data sets鈥Safely and seamlessly integrate your proprietary data for insights customized to your individual needs.

鈥淭his tool and its advanced data analytics capabilities will allow us to pinpoint communities where our help is most needed. I鈥檓 hopeful that through our work with 有料盒子APP, we can rescue our hidden heroes from the debilitating trappings of loneliness and isolation.鈥

EpiMaps in Use

Health Surveillance

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic with Department of Defense (DOD)'s Total Force Fitness Program
Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, our team of data scientists, public health experts, economists, and military experts used our EpiMaps platform to develop evidence-based and data-driven readiness prediction models at both the individual and community levels. These models allowed the DOD to evaluate the readiness of service members and identify drivers of readiness and health challenges through analysis of social determinants of health and county/state level data. To respond to the needs arising out of the pandemic, our team quickly pivoted to include infectious disease epidemiologists and produce the first relevant county-level COVID-19 prediction model for the DOD to help inform its pandemic response.

Policy Improvement

Predicting Deployability with the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
We provided multiple organizations within the Office of Personnel and Readiness with data-informed strategic guidance on policies and programs for optimizing Total Force Fitness. Using EpiMaps as a scalable advanced analytics platform, we:聽

  • Quantifiably identified service member readiness
  • Predicted achievable levels of deployability
  • Preemptively identify root causes of non-deployability

Together with our clients, we applied econometric and machine learning techniques to better understand, assess, and maximize human performance and potential resource impact for the Department.

Population Management

Using Data to Support Suicide Prevention and Readiness in the National Guard
With our support, the National Guard is taking an evidence-informed, data-informed approach to identifying risk factors, protective factors, and potential predictive factors for suicide in the National Guard population. The end product will be the SPRINGboard Dashboard, which brings together data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence capabilities. This digital tool will give senior leaders insight into the health risk factors impacting service members' home communities so they can tailor prevention efforts accordingly. SPRINGboard synthesizes population-level health data and internal data from the National Guard Bureau to understand geographic-specific risk factors down to the county level.

EpiMaps in the News

Want to Learn More About EpiMaps?

聽Our health analytics experts can help. Request a demo or get more information below.