Our Commitment to Advancing Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Our DEI Strategy & Action Plan

We're committed to pursuing four primary goals, backed by a clear action plan. As part of our commitment to being transparent about our goals and progress, we will share updates regularly along this journey.  

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Lead By Example

We will be transparent and model inclusion. This includes aligning a member of the C-Suite to drive the diversity, equity, and inclusion work forward and standing up a DEI Executive Council to serve as the new governing body for the firm’s DEI mission. The DEI Executive Council will support the DEI strategy to ensure transparency with mission evolution and progress and to drive accountability at all levels. 

Icons depicting two people holding up a flag together

Empower Potential

We will drive equitable access and outcomes. Our work to decrease bias and increase clarity around expectations will continue. Accountability measures and systems will be put in place to ensure equity across the firm. 

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Inspire Belonging

We will strive to be a safe space where people feel seen, heard, valued, and cared for across the firm. We’re offering increased opportunities for employees to learn from and engage with each other. 

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Use Our Voice

We will be a force for advancing equity and resilience by identifying the biggest challenges and deploying our world-class capabilities to solve them. As we continue our philanthropic and pro bono relationships, we’ll deepen our commitment to using these tools in support of organizations that build pathways to equity. 

More Resources

  • , a firmwide DEI event that focused on sharing insights and learnings on the topic of equity.  
  • , which tackle topics ranging from representation, equity, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and more. 

Building On a Legacy of Action

In 2020, building on our decades-long commitment to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, we added a heightened focus on racial and social equity to our DEI strategy.